SendGrid Inbound Parse

I’ve spent most of a weekend trying to figure out how to get attachments from SendGrid’s Inbound Parse service. If you haven’t heard of it – it accepts an incoming email, parses out the various parts and sends them to you by posting to a web form you have set up for this.

The “text” parts of the message (from, to, subject, etc.) were pretty straightforward, but trying to figure out how to get files that had been attached to the message took me a long time to figure out. (Much longer than it should have, in hindsight.)

I followed the recommendations of the tutorial video and configured Inbound Parse to send the information to RequestBin, a service that will accept and show you posted form values without your having to write any code.

The values that I sent to RequestBin agreed with the documentation. There was an “attachments” value that would tell how many attachments were included and “attachmentX” value(s) for each attachment. (If attachments = 2, there would be an attachment1 value and an attachment2 value.)

I reconfigured SendGrid to post the values to an Azure website I have. The code that I wrote based on the SendGrid documentation (and what I saw on RequestBin) kept throwing exceptions, so I took advantage of Azure’s remote debugging feature (which is awesome, by the way).

The attachment-related values weren’t showing up. SendGrid has posted 13 form values to RequestBin, but I was consistently only getting 9 in my ASP.Net application. For 2 days, I assumed that something was going on with ASP.Net, thinking that it was related to request validation, or something like that.

After hours of fighting with this, I finally realized that when I had re-configured SendGrid to post to my Azure site instead of RequestBin, I had checked the “SendRaw” checkbox. The explanation next to the checkbox says “This will post the full mime message”. What it doesn’t tell you is – it changes what SendGrid posts.

If you check the SendRaw checkbox – you won’t get these form values:

  • attachments
  • attachment-info
  • attachmentX
  • text
  • html

Instead you will get an “email” value that has the original email message.

Since the whole point of using the Inbound Parse is to not have to parse the email, I’d recommend not checking the SendRaw checkbox.

Hotmail handles attachments differently at SMTP level

I discovered a problem in some email processing code recently.  Circlebox has an email forwarding service where an end user can send an email to an address like and that message is then sent to each group member’s email address according to their subscription preferences.

A user was sending a message with an attachment from a Hotmail address but the attachment wasn’t being forwarded to the end users. It turned out to be a difference in the headers.

Here are the relevant headers from a message sent from an Exchange Server.

Content-Type: application/;
Content-Description: Directory.xls
Content-Disposition: attachment;
filename=”Directory.xls”; size=64512;
creation-date=”Sun, 23 Feb 2014 13:58:23 GMT”;
modification-date=”Sun, 23 Feb 2014 13:58:23 GMT”
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64

Here are the relevant headers from an identical message sent from Hotmail:

Content-Type: application/
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=”Directory.xls”

My code was expecting the Content-Type header to have a Name parameter that contained the attachment filename. As you can see, this is in the first set of headers, but not in the second one.

This seems to be the direction things are heading in. RFC 2183 defines this and it looks like most mail servers are currently using both the Name parameter of the Content-Type header and the Filename parameter of the Content-Disposition header, but Hotmail is only using Content-Disposition.

Using iText to generate PDF from Html using HtmlWorker

Someone asked this on Google+ and I had a program that did it so I decided to turn it into a quick blog post.  I stripped away the application specific logic, but this is the gist of the iText code. (Technically this is iTextSharp, but I’m guessing it will work in iText as well.)  The trick is to use the HtmlWorker. (If I remember right, there’s a newer XMLWorkerHelper object that’s newer/better.)

This returns the PDF in a memory stream (useful for sending to the Response object to send to a browser):

using iTextSharp.text;
using iTextSharp.text.pdf;
using iTextSharp.text.html.simpleparser;

public static Stream RenderPDF()


    Document document = new Document(PageSize.LETTER, 36F, 36F, 36F, 36F);
    MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
    PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, memoryStream);

    HTMLWorker htmlWorker = new HTMLWorker(document);
    var sectionTitleFont = new Font(Font.FontFamily.TIMES_ROMAN, 24, Font.BOLD, BaseColor.BLACK);
    var sectionTitleParagraph = new Paragraph(“Title text”, sectionTitleFont);



    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    string strBody = ”

This is the paragraph body


    htmlWorker.Parse(new StringReader(sb.ToString()));

    writer.CloseStream = false;
    memoryStream.Position = 0;
    return memoryStream;


PayPal IPN integration from .Net

Note: I recently put a C# version of this code on GitHub at

It’s easy enough to integrate your site with PayPal so that you can send shopping carts to get paid for. Since the communication is via a POST, it did take me a couple of minutes to get an ASP.Net page to post to something other than itself via a postback. I ended up using an ImageButton (using a PayPal logo image) and set the PostBackURL property to The static fields (like “business” to pass the email address that is my PayPal user id) were sent by putting a HiddenField control on the WebForm. The dynamic fields (like shopping cart items) were added to the form in code (in the PageLoad event) like this:
Dim h As HiddenField

h = New HiddenField
h.ID = “shopping_url”
h.Value = “”

It’s a little more complicated to get PayPal to tell your site that you’ve been paid.  PayPal has a feature called Instant Payment Notification, or IPN.  It took me a little while to get it debugged and working so I thought I would post a simple, but working, IPN solution that uses ASP.Net, VB.Net and SQL Server.

First, create a table in SQL Server. Here’s a script generated from SQL 2005 that will create a table with a field for each value that PayPal passes to you via IPN:

/****** Object:  Table [PayPalPayments]    Script Date: 08/06/2008 23:35:36 ******/
CREATE TABLE [PayPalPayments](
[PayPalID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[verify_sign] [varchar](255) NULL,
[address_city] [varchar](40) NULL,
[address_country] [varchar](64) NULL,
[address_name] [varchar](128) NULL,
[address_state] [varchar](40) NULL,
[address_status] [varchar](15) NULL,
[address_street] [varchar](200) NULL,
[address_zip] [varchar](20) NULL,
[first_name] [varchar](64) NULL,
[last_name] [varchar](64) NULL,
[payer_business_name] [varchar](127) NULL,
[payer_email] [varchar](127) NULL,
[payer_id] [varchar](13) NULL,
[payer_status] [varchar](15) NULL,
[residence_country] [char](2) NULL,
[business] [varchar](127) NULL,
[item_name1] [varchar](127) NULL,
[quantity1] [smallint] NULL,
[item_name2] [varchar](127) NULL,
[quantity2] [smallint] NULL,
[item_name3] [varchar](127) NULL,
[quantity3] [smallint] NULL,
[item_name4] [varchar](127) NULL,
[quantity4] [smallint] NULL,
[item_name5] [varchar](127) NULL,
[quantity5] [smallint] NULL,
[item_name6] [varchar](127) NULL,
[quantity6] [smallint] NULL,
[receiver_email] [varchar](127) NULL,
[receiver_id] [varchar](13) NULL,
[custom] [varchar](255) NULL,
[invoice] [varchar](127) NULL,
[memo] [varchar](255) NULL,
[auth_id] [varchar](19) NULL,
[auth_exp] [varchar](28) NULL,
[auth_amount] [smallmoney] NULL,
[auth_status] [varchar](10) NULL,
[num_cart_items] [smallint] NULL,
[parent_txn_id] [varchar](19) NULL,
[payment_date] [varchar](28) NULL,
[payment_status] [varchar](25) NULL,
[payment_type] [varchar](10) NULL,
[pending_reason] [varchar](20) NULL,
[transaction_entity] [varchar](10) NULL,
[txn_id] [varchar](19) NULL,
[txn_type] [varchar](25) NULL,
[mc_fee] [smallmoney] NULL,
[mc_gross] [smallmoney] NULL,
[settle_amount] [smallmoney] NULL,
[settle_currency] [varchar](3) NULL


Here’s a script to create a stored procedure to insert a record into the table:

/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [addPayPalPayment]    Script Date: 08/06/2008 23:39:27 ******/
CREATE  PROCEDURE [addPayPalPayment]
@verify_sign varchar(255),
@address_city varchar(40),
@address_country varchar(64),
@address_name varchar(128),
@address_state varchar(40),
@address_status varchar(15),
@address_street varchar(200),
@address_zip varchar(20),
@first_name varchar(64),
@last_name varchar(64),
@payer_business_name varchar(127),
@payer_email varchar(127),
@payer_id varchar(13),
@payer_status varchar(15),
@residence_country varchar(2),
@business varchar(127),
@item_name1 varchar(127),
@quantity1 smallint,
@item_name2 varchar(127),
@quantity2 smallint,
@item_name3 varchar(127),
@quantity3 smallint,
@item_name4 varchar(127),
@quantity4 smallint,
@item_name5 varchar(127),
@quantity5 smallint,
@item_name6 varchar(127),
@quantity6 smallint,
@receiver_email varchar(127),
@receiver_id varchar(13),
@custom varchar(255),
@invoice varchar(127),
@memo  varchar(255),
@auth_id varchar(19),
@auth_exp varchar(28),
@auth_amount smallmoney,
@auth_status varchar(10),
@num_cart_items smallint,
@parent_txn_id varchar(19),
@payment_date varchar(28),
@payment_status varchar(25),
@payment_type varchar(10),
@pending_reason varchar(20),
@transaction_entity varchar(10),
@txn_id varchar(19),
@txn_type varchar(25),
@mc_fee smallmoney,
@mc_gross smallmoney,
@settle_amount smallmoney,
@settle_currency varchar(3)
INSERT INTO [PayPalPayments]([verify_sign], [address_city], [address_country], [address_name], [address_state], [address_status], [address_street], [address_zip], [first_name], [last_name], [payer_business_name], [payer_email], [payer_id], [payer_status], [residence_country], [business], [item_name1], [quantity1], [item_name2], [quantity2], [item_name3], [quantity3], [item_name4], [quantity4], [item_name5], [quantity5], [item_name6], [quantity6], [receiver_email], [receiver_id], [custom], [invoice], [memo], [auth_id], [auth_exp], [auth_amount], [auth_status], [num_cart_items], [parent_txn_id], [payment_date], [payment_status], [payment_type], [pending_reason], [transaction_entity], [txn_id], [txn_type], [mc_fee], [mc_gross], [settle_amount], [settle_currency])
VALUES(@verify_sign, @address_city, @address_country, @address_name, @address_state, @address_status, @address_street, @address_zip, @first_name, @last_name, @payer_business_name, @payer_email, @payer_id, @payer_status, @residence_country, @business, @item_name1, @quantity1, @item_name2, @quantity2, @item_name3, @quantity3, @item_name4, @quantity4, @item_name5, @quantity5, @item_name6, @quantity6, @receiver_email, @receiver_id, @custom, @invoice, @memo, @auth_id, @auth_exp, @auth_amount, @auth_status, @num_cart_items, @parent_txn_id, @payment_date, @payment_status, @payment_type, @pending_reason, @transaction_entity, @txn_id, @txn_type, @mc_fee, @mc_gross, @settle_amount, @settle_currency)

Create a new web site (I used VB.Net 2005) and paste this code into the Page_Load event of default.aspx (you’ll need to add a ConnectionString to the SQL Server where you created the table and the stored procedure in Web.Config. Name the ConnectionString “xyz”):
Dim connectionStrings As ConnectionStringSettingsCollection = WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings
Dim connectionString As String = connectionStrings(“xyz”).ConnectionString

Using cn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(connectionString)
Using cmd As SqlCommand = cn.CreateCommand
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
cmd.CommandText = “addPayPalPayment”

Dim strVal As String
Dim decVal As Decimal

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“verify_sign”)) Then
strVal = “”
strVal = Request.Form(“verify_sign”)
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@verify_sign”, strVal)

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“address_city”)) Then
strVal = “”
strVal = Request.Form(“address_city”)
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@address_city”, strVal)

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“address_country”)) Then
strVal = “”
strVal = Request.Form(“address_country”)
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@address_country”, strVal)

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“address_name”)) Then
strVal = “”
strVal = Request.Form(“address_name”)
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@address_name”, strVal)

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“address_state”)) Then
strVal = “”
strVal = Request.Form(“address_state”)
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@address_state”, strVal)

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“address_status”)) Then
strVal = “”
strVal = Request.Form(“address_status”)
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@address_status”, strVal)

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“address_street”)) Then
strVal = “”
strVal = Request.Form(“address_street”)
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@address_street”, strVal)

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“address_zip”)) Then
strVal = “”
strVal = Request.Form(“address_zip”)
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@address_zip”, strVal)

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“first_name”)) Then
strVal = “”
strVal = Request.Form(“first_name”)
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@first_name”, strVal)

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“last_name”)) Then
strVal = “”
strVal = Request.Form(“last_name”)
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@last_name”, strVal)

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“payer_business_name”)) Then
strVal = “”
strVal = Request.Form(“payer_business_name”)
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@payer_business_name”, strVal)

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“payer_email”)) Then
strVal = “”
strVal = Request.Form(“payer_email”)
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@payer_email”, strVal)

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“payer_id”)) Then
strVal = “”
strVal = Request.Form(“payer_id”)
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@payer_id”, strVal)

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“payer_status”)) Then
strVal = “”
strVal = Request.Form(“payer_status”)
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@payer_status”, strVal)

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“residence_country”)) Then
strVal = “”
strVal = Request.Form(“residence_country”)
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@residence_country”, strVal)

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“business”)) Then
strVal = “”
strVal = Request.Form(“business”)
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@business”, strVal)

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“item_name1”)) Then
strVal = “”
strVal = Request.Form(“item_name1”)
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@item_name1”, strVal)

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“quantity1”)) Then
strVal = “”
strVal = Request.Form(“quantity1”)
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@quantity1”, strVal)

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“item_name2”)) Then
strVal = “”
strVal = Request.Form(“item_name2”)
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@item_name2”, strVal)

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“quantity2”)) Then
strVal = “”
strVal = Request.Form(“quantity2”)
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@quantity2”, strVal)

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“item_name3”)) Then
strVal = “”
strVal = Request.Form(“item_name3”)
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@item_name3”, strVal)

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“quantity3”)) Then
strVal = “”
strVal = Request.Form(“quantity3”)
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@quantity3”, strVal)

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“item_name4”)) Then
strVal = “”
strVal = Request.Form(“item_name4”)
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@item_name4”, strVal)

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“quantity4”)) Then
strVal = “”
strVal = Request.Form(“quantity4”)
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@quantity4”, strVal)

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“item_name5”)) Then
strVal = “”
strVal = Request.Form(“item_name5”)
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@item_name5”, strVal)

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“quantity5”)) Then
strVal = “”
strVal = Request.Form(“quantity5”)
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@quantity5”, strVal)

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“item_name6”)) Then
strVal = “”
strVal = Request.Form(“item_name6”)
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@item_name6”, strVal)

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“quantity6”)) Then
strVal = “”
strVal = Request.Form(“quantity6”)
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@quantity6”, strVal)

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“receiver_email”)) Then
strVal = “”
strVal = Request.Form(“receiver_email”)
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@receiver_email”, strVal)

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“receiver_id”)) Then
strVal = “”
strVal = Request.Form(“receiver_id”)
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@receiver_id”, strVal)

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“custom”)) Then
strVal = “”
strVal = Request.Form(“custom”)
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@custom”, strVal)

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“invoice”)) Then
strVal = “”
strVal = Request.Form(“invoice”)
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@invoice”, strVal)

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“memo”)) Then
strVal = “”
strVal = Request.Form(“memo”)
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@memo”, strVal)

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“auth_id”)) Then
strVal = “”
strVal = Request.Form(“auth_id”)
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@auth_id”, strVal)

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“auth_exp”)) Then
strVal = “”
strVal = Request.Form(“auth_exp”)
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@auth_exp”, strVal)

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“auth_amount”)) Then
decVal = 0
decVal = CDec(Request.Form(“auth_amount”))
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@auth_amount”, decVal)

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“auth_status”)) Then
strVal = “”
strVal = Request.Form(“auth_status”)
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@auth_status”, strVal)

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“num_cart_items”)) Then
strVal = “”
strVal = Request.Form(“num_cart_items”)
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@num_cart_items”, strVal)

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“parent_txn_id”)) Then
strVal = “”
strVal = Request.Form(“parent_txn_id”)
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@parent_txn_id”, strVal)

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“payment_date”)) Then
strVal = “”
strVal = Request.Form(“payment_date”)
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@payment_date”, strVal)

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“payment_status”)) Then
strVal = “”
strVal = Request.Form(“payment_status”)
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@payment_status”, strVal)

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“payment_type”)) Then
strVal = “”
strVal = Request.Form(“payment_type”)
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@payment_type”, strVal)

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“pending_reason”)) Then
strVal = “”
strVal = Request.Form(“pending_reason”)
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@pending_reason”, strVal)

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“transaction_entity”)) Then
strVal = “”
strVal = Request.Form(“transaction_entity”)
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@transaction_entity”, strVal)

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“txn_id”)) Then
strVal = “”
strVal = Request.Form(“txn_id”)
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@txn_id”, strVal)

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“txn_type”)) Then
strVal = “”
strVal = Request.Form(“txn_type”)
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@txn_type”, strVal)

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“mc_fee”)) Then
decVal = 0
decVal = CDec(Request.Form(“mc_fee”))
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@mc_fee”, decVal)

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“mc_gross”)) Then
decVal = 0
decVal = CDec(Request.Form(“mc_gross”))
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@mc_gross”, decVal)

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“settle_amount”)) Then
decVal = 0
decVal = CDec(Request.Form(“settle_amount”))
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@settle_amount”, decVal)

If IsNothing(Request.Form(“settle_currency”)) Then
strVal = “”
strVal = Request.Form(“settle_currency”)
End If
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@settle_currency”, strVal)

End Using
End Using

End Sub

That’s it.  When you post to PayPal, use the “notify_url” variable to point back to the address that you publish this site to.  When you someone completes a payment, PayPal will post back to this page will all of the transaction details and this page will call the addPayPalPayment stored procedure which will create a record in the PayPalPayments table.  The value that you send with the cart in the “custom” variable will be returned via IPN. Use this field to hold an order number or something like that and then you can apply the PayPalPayment (which will have the value stored in the Custom field) to the order.