AWS Load Balancers and HTTPS

I was helping a client with his web server that is hosted in AWS (Amazon Web Services) EC2. He had gotten a certificate to enable HTTPS but it wasn’t working.

AWS offers free certificates, but you can’t install them into the EC2 web server. In this case, he had set up a load balancer in front of the web server and the Certificate Manager certificate was set up there. This means that when the end user browses to this website, the browser is really talking to the load balancer and load balancer is talking to the web server and passing information back and forth.

I made some assumptions about how he had set up the load balancer forwarding so it took me awhile to get my arms around what was going on. I was configuring the Apache web server to do redirects in the .htaccess file. He wanted to force browsers to use HTTPS and wanted to make “www” his “authoritative URL”, meaning if someone typed “” into their browser, it would redirect them to “”. (This is a good idea for SEO. Google doesn’t assume/realize that and are the same website.) was redirecting perfectly to, but was not redirecting to I finally realized that the load balancer forwarder was configured via HTTPS and incoming HTTP and HTTPS traffic was forwarding to the webserver over HTTPS, but the load balancer was communicating back to the browser on whatever protocol they came in on. I set up the load balancer to communicate with web server using HTTP and then the redirects flowed properly back to the browser.

It’s easier to configure the load balancer to communicate with the web server using HTTP and just handle the encryption in front of the load balancer.

Posted in IT